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Summer when using the plastic pipe production line should be paid attention to what issues?

Add time:2022-02-22 14:24:21 Click:154次

It's hot in summer, also occasional rain storm weather, even but plastic pipe production line can't stop, so in this kind of weather situation, need to pay attention to what matters.

Despite the summer weather is very big, but the production won't be affected in a wide range of industries, and due to the high temperature in summer, people in daily life increased use of air conditioning and so on time, cause the summer peak, current and voltage in the peak season is relatively common, in this case the use of plastic pipe production line, we should pay attention to observe the conditions of current and voltage, when the current or voltage is not stable, please immediately stop production, to ensure the production stable again after boot up production.

Summer rainy weather, this kind of weather will seriously affect the current transmission, if the storm is very serious, suggest temporarily stop, don't continue to produce, in order to avoid abnormal current burned plastic pipe production line, after the rain should be timely inspection equipment, preventing equipment be affected with damp be affected with damp, also there is a fire hidden danger of the equipment.

Summer heat, more hot, this weather is not suitable for plastic pipe material production line. So manufacturers can be installed in the production workshop of large fan, timely discharge workshop air stuffy inside, in order to avoid in the production of plastic pipe production line heat not dispersed in time, cause the equipment malfunction, delay the production schedule, beside the equipment operating workers may also be experiencing discomfort due to high temperature, the effect is more serious.

The thunderstorm weather is common in the summer weather. This kind of weather is not suitable for the production, because of the thunderstorm unstable voltage and current. Operation of the plastic pipe production line, production problems may be due to voltage instability, lightning could even more serious impact on the equipment, in a thunderstorm, try not to production, in time to cut off the power supply and switch equipment, to ensure normal operation of equipment workers.

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